Giorgio Bella
and Controls at Intesa Sanpaolo
About Me

About Myself
After completing a quantitative education in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics and Mathematical Engineering, I worked for five years on implementing Artificial Intelligence solutions in the banking sector. Following that, I had the opportunity to handle Strategic Initiatives in Intesa Sanpaolo CEO’s Staff. More recently, I transitioned to the CRO Area as the Head of IT & Cyber Risk Analysis and Controls Office.
I am a technology lover and in my free time I manage a non-profit association that promotes the spread of theater culture in the Turin area.
Intesa Sanpaolo
Head of IT & Cyber Risk Analysis and Controls
May 2023 - Present
I work in the Operational, IT & Cyber Risk Management Unit within the CRO Area as the head of the IT & Cyber Risk Analysis and Controls Office whose main activities include:
- ensuring the design, maintenance, and execution of second-level controls in the IT and Cyber Risk domain;
- building Reporting and Early Warning systems using Analytical and Artificial Intelligence solutions;
- participating in Projects related to the Governance Framework for IT and Cyber Risk.
Strategic Initiatives, CEO Staff
Feb 2022 - May 2023
I worked for the Strategic Initiatives Unit, part of Strategic Support Department, ISP’s CEO Staff organization.
Strategic Initiatives primary task is to support CEO within three main competence areas:
- project management of particularly relevant and highly complex projects;
- evaluation of transactions aimed at strengthening the core business and supporting the Group’s evolution;
- bespoke analysis and studies to support CEO decisions on specific issues.
Lead Data Engineer, AI Competency Centre
Jun 2019 - Jan 2022
I worked for the Information Systems Head Office in the Data Technology Office as Lead Data Engineer, where I dealt with:
- architectural Design of Artificial Intelligence applications;
- advisory on Artificial Intelligence Technologies for IT structures;
- research and Prototyping of new Artificial Intelligence solutions.
Data Engineer, Data Technology Office
Jun 2017 - May 2019
I worked for the Information Systems Head Office in the Data Technology Office as Data Engineer, where I dealt with:
- architectural and Data Governance policies;
- coordinating and supporting Data Technology Owners;
- Big Financial Data releated activities.
Intern, Data Management Systems
Mar 2017 - May 2017
I worked for the Information Systems Head Office alongside a team that manages the development of applications related to the “Big Financial Data” project. My main roles were to:
- find and understand Business requirements;
- define and implement ETL processes;
- explore Big Financial Data and deepen BI and Advanced Analytics tools;
- develop algorithms.
Bear Entertainment
Mar 2012 - Present
I founded BE in 2012 as a non-profit association and as co-president I mainly manage the financial and bureaucratic part of the company which aims to promote the spread of theater culture in the Turin area.
Directa SIM
Trading Universiads
Oct 2014 - Apr 2015
Seven months trading competition between university teams from all around Europe with real money sponsored by Directa Sim. We mainly worked on FTSEMIB stocks, exchange-traded funds and options on european indexes and exchange-traded commodities. My team earned +7,02% and qualified in position 31th/150.
University of Turin
Students’ representative
Oct 2012 - Apr 2015
I represented students in two Councils of Natural Science Department in University of Turin during my Bachelor’s degree in Financial Mathematics. I took part in the decision process of several issues about didactics and courses organization.
M.Sc. in Mathematical Engineering
Polytechnic University of Turin
2015 - 2017
Final grade: 110 cum laude /110
- Research Final Dissertation: “Quantitative tools and their software implementation for financial portfolios analysis”
- Main topics include Stochastic Processes, Statistical Modelling, Graph and Dynamics over network, Optimization Methods, Machine Learning, Databases, Enterprise Information Systems, Business Intelligence
B.Sc. in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
University of Turin
2012 - 2015
Final grade: 110 cum laude /110
- Research Final Dissertation: “Financial applications of skew random variables”
- Main topics include Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, Probability Theory, Mathematical Analysis, Business Economics, Microeconomics
Economics of Money and Banking
Columbia University – Jul 2020

Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform
Google – Feb 2019

Bloomberg Market Concepts
Bloomberg LP – Oct 2018

Financial Engineering and Risk Management
Columbia University – Oct 2016
My Skills
Personal Skills
IT Skills
Top Knowledges
Thesis and Researches

Riflessioni di due primati su tech, startup e finanza
Puntata dedicata all’Intelligenza Artificiale e le sue implicazioni etiche in compagnia di un ospite d’onore: Federico Aguggini, Head of AI Transformation in una grande banca italiana. Hosts: Giorgio Bella e Fabrizio Lasaponara

Oltre alla finanza e ai conti, per scoprire cosa vuol dire lavorare in banca oggi, quali sono
i mestieri più richiesti e inaspettati, tra intelligenza artificiale, tecnologie sperimentali e creatività: le competenze del bancario 2.0 infatti sono sempre più sfaccettate e all’avanguardia. In questo podcast i dipendenti “fuori dal coro” di Intesa Sanpaolo ci sveleranno il significato del mestiere dietro al loro job title, insieme a consigli pratici per i neolaureati alla ricerca di un percorso alternativo in banca. Interviste a cura di Alessia Sottile.
Scopri tutti i podcast di Intesa Sanpaolo su Intesa Sanpaolo On Air.
Vi sareste mai aspettati di sentir parlare di Intelligenza Artificiale in banca?
Scopriamo tutti i retroscena con Giorgio Bella, Lead Data Engineer in Intesa Sanpaolo.

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What we did not dare, we have certainly lost
― O. Wilde